
Homo Sapiens

Homo sapiens is the species we belong to. About 80’000 years ago, he left Africa and went on to spread all over the world. He occupied almost every nook and corner of the planet, settled in as inhospitable places as the Himalayan valleys and the Kalahari Desert and as remote areas as the Pacific Islands. This is the story of the great human migration, the main topic of this website. From a historical point of view, Homo sapiens spent more than 95% of its time in the so-called Stone Age that has been followed by the Copper and Iron Age about 3’500 years B. C. The pace of technological development has varied according to geographical areas. So, it is not surprising that we find on earth populations that still live in the Stone Age condition even today. This is the case with numerous indigenous people presented on this video site.

Paleolithic Age:
In search for a new shelter
Neolithic Age:
The first monuments of mankind

Neolithic Age:
The discovery of agriculture

Neolithic Age:
Technological achievements

Neolithic Age:
Hunting and fishing

Neolithic Age:
Drugs and Shamanism

The jump to the
Present Time